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Luxembourg is one of the 12 countries in the world that have very high skills in English as a foreign language, according to the 2020 EF English Proficiency Index.

English is, by far, the most widely studied second language in the world and extremely important in the world of business. The 2020 EF English Proficiency Index, which is based on test results of 2.2 million adults in 100 countries and regions, includes Luxembourg in the 12 countries in the world considered to have a “very high” level of English proficiency. Luxembourg ranks 11th in the list topped by the Netherlands, Denmark and Finland.

English skills and innovation

The key findings of the study notably include the following:

  • English and innovation go hand in hand: English is the principal language of international collaboration, and the study found correlations between English and various measures of investment in R&D
  • Countries with high English proficiency are fairer and more open to the world
  • Technology helps spread skills in English across the world
Photo: © Luxinnovation/Sabino Parente

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