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 Data-driven innovation 

With its competitive business environment and smart policies, Luxembourg
has all the assets needed to be an innovative forerunner in the data-driven economy.

Creating tomorrow's digital economy

Luxembourg focuses on developing a robust data economy and a startup ecosystem centered on data-driven innovation. Already considered a digital forerunner because of its highly digitised and innovative economy, the country is on the road to become one of the most advanced data economies in the world. 

The objective is not only to provide an environment where new technologies can be tested and applied, but also where all kinds of digital businesses can prosper and expand within the broader European and global markets. Data-driven innovation will revolutionise how we do business and make it possible to deliver solutions with unprecedented speed and flexibility.

Luxembourg’s commitment to AI goes well beyond just supporting applied R&D projects. We want to be at the forefront of this development by optimising the national data market, facilitating the development of skills, boosting investment and collaborating across borders.

Quote STL

Xavier Bettel
Prime Minister and Minister for Digitalisation


Fresh and modern strategic vision for artificial intelligence

In May 2019, the Luxembourg government presented its strategic vision for artificial intelligence. The main priority of Prime Minister and Minister for Digitalisation Xavier Bettel is to ensure that this extremely powerful technology will bring advantages to everyone — businesses, research centres and individual citizens. 

Do you have any questions about Luxembourg’s startup ecosystem ? 

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