100% digital selection process | 100% physical coaching sessions
More than ever, for this new edition, digital technologies will be at the heart of the event. As before, the submission process for startups will remain online. Given the circumstances however, the selection process will also be fully online – a 100% digital experience for our startups, our jury and the public.
The current climate has also led us to adapt the duration of the coaching sessions for the selected startups. We believe face-to-face is paramount when it comes to coaching. To ensure the quality of the interactions as well as of the programme, coaching sessions will remain 100% face-to-face but will take place in Luxinnovation’s premises in January 2021, rather than in November 2020.
Startups will of course still have access to a working space at one of our two partner incubators: Luxembourg-city Incubator and Technoport.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec massa ac nibh semper vulputate et.
During the last spring edition, we received an unprecedented number of applications from both the ICT and the Space sectors. On that basis, we are happy to announce that all projects that were pre-selected during our spring edition will automatically be retained for the pitching of our autumn edition. No further call for applications will be opened for ICT and Space startups for our autumn edition.
All ICT and Space startups which have already pre-registered on our website for the next Fit4Start edition will be contacted at a later stage for the 11th edition in 2021.
For our autumn edition, we would like to announce that we will be opening a call for applications for HealthTech startups. The call will be open from August 5th noon to September 7th noon.
So HealthTech startups, get ready and start preparing your application file, submission is only a few weeks away!
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec non urna suscipit metus sollicitudin lacinia quis mollis enim. Curabitur elit metus, lobortis eu sagittis mattis, lobortis vel urna. Sed commodo, libero vitae gravida laoreet, tellus ipsum sodales neque, at viverra tellus velit a elit. Praesent tristique gravida nibh non eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce vitae tortor posuere, bibendum nisi ac, rhoncus justo. Nulla dapibus, nibh sed volutpat scelerisque, arcu enim posuere dui, nec egestas mi velit vel sem.
Pitch your project, benefit from the expertise of successful entrepreneurs through our one-to-one mentorship programme and join Luxembourg's top startups.
Fit 4 Start is not only Luxembourg's leading startup acceleration programme. It is also one of the main startup events of the year in the Grand Duchy. We are looking forward to a very digital 10th edition! More to follow…
To stay tuned and find out more about our next edition as the weeks unfold, follow us on social media and watch this space!